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What are the most common sleep issues you can help with?I work with parents to solve a range of sleep issues. Some of the most common ones include: ✅ Unable to self-settle (reliant on external help e.g. rocking, cuddling, etc.) ✅ Refuses to sleep in his or her own cot ✅ Lack of routine for naps / bedtime ✅ Multiple waking during the night ✅ Waking up / starting the day very early, regardless of set bedtime ✅ Demands multiple milk-feeds during the night
How long on average do your sleep training methods take?Depending on the recommended approach and your child’s age, successful sleep training can take anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks. On average, the majority of children will settle into a good sleep routine after 1 week of sleep training.
What age can you sleep train from?I typically start advising parents on their infant sleep training from approximately 5 months. This is because children will generally start weaning onto solid foods at around 6 months old, so I can also assist with the initial weaning strategy as well as the upcoming sleep training.
How do you determine which sleep training method to use?Based on the 60-minute consultation and your 48-hour sleep diary, I will make a decision on what I believe is the most appropriate infant sleep training methodology for the child. The child’s age and level of understanding will also have an influence on this.
Would you ever recommend just letting a baby "cry it out" until they fell asleep?"The "cry it out" method, or well-known variations such as the Ferber Method, are not baby sleep training approaches that we recommend. We believe that our methodologies are more gentle and calming for infants, and also more effective long-term.
What is Montessori Sleep Training?Montessori is a form of education which emphasises independence, viewing children as naturally eager for knowledge and capable of initiating learning in a sufficiently supportive learning environment. With my separate qualifications in Montessori and Sleep Training, I seek to combine both by incorporating Montessori principles in any infant sleep plan. Hence, our sleep methods emphasise a gentle approach to teaching children how to self-settle and sleep independently in a supportive environment. Note, all of our sleep training methods conform to the safe sleep guidelines produced by the Lullaby Trust:
Why do I need to provide a 48-hour diary before the main consultation?Achieving consistently good sleep is not just about a bedtime routine, but also depends on your infant’s napping and eating schedules too. Providing the 48-hour diary will enable me to gain a holistic picture of your child's habits and routines, which we can then explore in more detail during the 60-minute consultation.
Where do you travel to for onsite consultations?I am happy to travel to anywhere in London and most of the surrounding areas, however I can do remote sleep training for babies and infants across the UK.
Can I sleep train if my infant has reflux?Yes you can sleep train your child if they have reflux, however the reflux will need to be under control and your doctor will need to give permission to sleep train.
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